La Profesora Abstraída

Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Professors and time

Given the Georgia (state) budget crisis, higher ed institutions are cutting costs everywhere. At UGA, they are limiting professor travel, even if paid for out of pocket (not that I'm sure how professors can afford to do this with potential raise freezes and rising health & parking premiums, which result in a net pay cut), due to the perceptions that professors should be on campus, focused on teaching. Note, no one is really talking about how course offerings (fewer electives, no summer school, few sections and larger classes) are likely to affect students. I have at least one student who is now worried about being able to graduate on time if particular courses aren't offered. But, I digress... I really just wanted to share this:

Original context
. which should be added, how legislators and the public (to the extent they pay attention) think professors should spend their time: 95% teaching, 5% service, unless of course its sponsored research which accounts for about 36-37% of GT revenue.

posted by Michelle @ 12:33 PM,


At 9/23/2008 11:15 PM, Blogger Chris Lawrence said...

And if my tenure decision was going to be based 95% on teaching and 5% on service I'd agree with them. Alas, even in the boonies of academe where I am that research number is somewhere in the 20s-30s. When you consider that my release time for research is only 12.5%, that's some math to make square up.


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