La Profesora Abstraída
Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.Tuesday, March 29, 2005
All desafuero, all the time
PAN ready to vote in favor of AMLO desafuero
AMLO ready and serene before desafuero vote
Secretary of State denies PAN has negotiated with PRI for desafuero
Supreme Court questions desafuero
Fox meets with PAN leadership before desafuero vote
Various scenarios possible in desafuero vote
...and in other news, academic conference on The Smiths planned. Will Morrissey make a special guest appearance?
posted by Michelle @ 8:24 AM,

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Name: Michelle DionLocation: Toronto, ON
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Previous Posts
- AJPS review policies...continuedIn a recent post t...
- Discussion of murders of women in Ciudad JuarezTod...
- Coming soon....Fuji Kola!I heard about this first ...
- No Need to Click Here - I'm just claiming my feed ...
- Interesting post on social security privatization ...
- The Dude and friends abide....Another reason I was...
- This is why I refuse to watch the local newsListen...
- Boondoggling....againI really should be working on...
- It's a slow news day, which........makes for more ...
- Catch up on the pension debate with PBSI recently ...

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