La Profesora Abstraída
Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.Friday, July 07, 2006
Interview with CalderonThis interview is worth reading. I particularly like this point, made by Calderon:
It is more effective, in order to reduce migration, to build one kilometer of one highway in Guanajuato, than ten kilometers of the wall [in] Texas or Arizona.
posted by Michelle @ 5:38 PM,
- At 7/07/2006 10:34 PM, Chris Lawrence said...
The flaw in this otherwise brilliant plan: somehow I don't see the U.S. Congress (i.e. the folks who will take our money and use it to pay for the wall) ponying up to build a highway in Mexico.
- At 7/08/2006 10:04 PM, Michelle said...
I'm not sure he was being literal... I read it as 'promoting economic development in Mexico will do more to stop immigration than a wall.'

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Name: Michelle DionLocation: Toronto, ON
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