La Profesora Abstraída
Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.Tuesday, September 13, 2005
New site on Brazilian politics
Here. Not much content yet, but it has the potential to grow.
According to an article in the Comparative Politics section newsletter, five percent of all comparative dissertations are about Mexico. Maybe I should start a Mexican politics site. Any takers?
posted by Michelle @ 10:44 AM,
- At 9/13/2005 3:26 PM, J.S. Zolliker said...
Yes you should...
- At 9/13/2005 4:24 PM, said...
Yes! I would love to see an online forum for both political analyisis and discussion of scholarly issues.
- At 9/14/2005 9:11 PM, HispanicPundit said...
That would be great!!! I'd certainly be interested in reading it.

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Name: Michelle DionLocation: Toronto, ON
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