La Profesora Abstraída

Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The AMLO the U.S. press won't be covering

Because of course, they like to paint him as a Chaves (Venezuela) or Morales (Bolivia) figure, when he's probably more like a Lula (Brazil), at least when it comes to the economy. In recent campaign appearances, he's tried to reassure voters (and investors) that he won't destabilize the economy:
"Las reservas de divisas del Banco de México las tienen que manejar el gobernador y los técnicos financieros de la institución. Para que quede claro: la política económica que vamos a manejar va a guiarse con criterios técnicos, no ideológicos", dijo el candidato presidencial de la coalición Por el Bien de Todos, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, antes de iniciar el primero de sus cuatro mítines este día por Jalisco, en su séptima y penúltima gira de campaña por la entidad.

I think this statement is consistent with his past behavior, especially during the desafuero (also). And, with no re-election, an AMLO in office would have little incentive to use outrageous populist spending--the best legacy would be stable economic growth, and I suspect that AMLO knows that.

posted by Michelle @ 10:40 AM,


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