La Profesora Abstraída
Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.Friday, April 01, 2005
Dark Chocolate found...
Today I found a reliable source for my Dark Chocolate needs. My friend and I had lunch in the food court of the Centro Comercial Santa Fe, complete with its own golf range. Yes, it is as mamón, fresa, and annoying as it sounds. But, I wanted a nice salad for lunch, and it's the closest option. I had a Starbucks while we were there, too. There, I admit it.
Anyway, my friend, who knows where to find all the good stuff, took me to the Palacio de Hierro for chocolate. This is the place whose ad campaign is "I'm so Palacio" with billboards of women saying things like:

The problem isn't that it fits well or not, but that they've already seen it.

No man knows the correct answer to: Do you love me? How do I look?
Other choice slogans chronicled on this site:
1997: Because a psychoanalyst will never understand the curative power of a new dress.
1998: There are two things a woman cannot avoid, crying and buying shoes.
1999: Luckily we are the Weak Sex, the good thing is that he carries our purchases.
2000: I know how I look. If I ask, it's to know how much you like me.
2001: Women love more than men, and so we shop more.
2002: If I tell you that nothing's wrong, or there's no problem, don't believe me.
Here's a more recent image:

I am not so Palacio, but at least I know where to get my chocolate.
posted by Michelle @ 8:17 PM,
- At 7/30/2005 4:36 AM, said...
I've gotta point out that only women are witty enough to come up with advertising slogans like that.

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Name: Michelle DionLocation: Toronto, ON
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