La Profesora Abstraída

Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Small parties in 2006

For those interested in the 2006 presidential election, there's a great article in today's El Universal that discusses the strategies of the small parties with official recognition for 2006.

A summary:
Partido del Trabajo:
1. Candidatura propia en unión con movimientos sociales.
2. Coalición con Convergencia.
3. Alianza con el PRD y Convergencia. El candidato sería perredista.
4. Aliarse con el PRI.

Partido Convergencia:
1. Coalición, con el PRD y con el PT. El candidato sería perredista.
2. Candidatura interna.
3. Candidatura ciudadana o externa. Los probables candidato son hasta ahora Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas y Jorge Castañeda.

Partido Verde Ecologista de México
1. Ha presentado ya a su precandidato, Bernardo de la Garza. No se descarta que se una al PRI.

Partido Nueva Alianza
1. Candidato propio. La apuesta es obtener el mayor número posible de diputados y senadores.
2. Candidato externo.

Partido Alternativa Socialdemócrata
1. Su candidata será Patricia Mercado. No descartan uno externo, entre ellos a Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas y al rector de la UNAM, Juan Ramón de la Fuente. Rechazan a Víctor González y Jorge Castañeda.

Since this will be the first election for the last two parties, they are prohibited from forming a formal alliance with any other party. They will need to present their own candidates.

Of course, it's interesting to think about the problem from the perspective of the big three parties. When and why do you ally with a smaller party? What do you have to give up in return to get their support? And how do you gauge how many votes such an alliance can bring you?

posted by Michelle @ 10:27 AM,


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