La Profesora Abstraída

Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.

Monday, November 13, 2006

A related public service announcement

I don't get as many hits as Chris from folks looking for the political science rumor blogs, but I thought I'd provide a related public service announcement in the interest of political science productivity.

It seems that the rumor blogs can suck a lot of potentially productive time from candidates and faculty. If you find yourself checking the rumor blog comment threads more than once a day, I suggest using either co.mments or co.comment to track the comments. I prefer the former, but understand that the latter has more market share. Each will require a little time to set up your comment tracking but not nearly as much time as obsessively re-checking the rumor sites for new entries.

posted by Michelle @ 3:08 PM,


At 11/13/2006 7:11 PM, Blogger Chris Lawrence said...

Good advice. It'd be nice too if Blogger did RSS feeds of comments like the other major blogging systems do.


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Location: Toronto, ON
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