La Profesora Abstraída

Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Stress dreams... which I resolve the source of my stress and end up happy.

My typical stress dream involves preparing for international travel and discovering that I can't find or have left behind my passport.

Last week, my stress dream was about going through security at an airport. I had taken my rather large laptop out of my big laptop backpack to go through security. The security person told me that I could only take one bag with me on the plane, and that I'd have to leave my B&N tote bag filled with novels and poli sci books behind. Luckily, my laptop backback is huge, so I told the woman that I'd just put the books in my backpack.

So the last part of the dream was me reassembling my stuff on the other side of the security line and carefully organizing all my paperbacks so they would fit in my laptop backpack.

My interpretation? This was a dream about tenure worries and my ability to get everything to fit... poli sci books, novels (outside work life?), and laptop all together.

posted by Michelle @ 4:43 PM, 2 comments

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It sucks to be this....close

To having a paper accepted by one of the big 3 with summary comments from two reviews like:
Publish and minor revisions. I think the revisions would be pretty modest and should be easily manageable.

I think this is a very good and interesting contribution to the literature on social policy in Latin America and the developing world more broadly. I suggest that the author be given the chance to revise and resubmit based on the aforementioned suggestions.
Only to be derailed by reviewer #3. What did I ever do to him or her?

UPDATE 2/15, 2:15pm: I've already made the revisions suggested by and addressed the concerns of the reviewers and sent the manuscript on to another journal.

posted by Michelle @ 4:07 PM, 5 comments

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Good company

The description of the forthcoming book on pension reform in Latin America, in which I have a chapter, includes this gem:
This section concludes with two chapters with differing views on reform and the role of gender (an important and understudied topic).

My contribution on the role of gender in pension reform.

posted by Michelle @ 8:36 AM, 0 comments

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Name: Michelle Dion
Location: Toronto, ON
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