La Profesora Abstraída

Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.

Friday, April 29, 2005

The political fallout...

What happens when a political leader convinces members of his party and those of another to pursue one strategy but then uses a different strategy himself? Lots of finger pointing.

Wednesday and yesterday President Fox indicated that he would meet with Lopez Obrador in an effort to clear up the political problems between the two men. Fox appeared to be relieved that things are going well so far.

Yesterday, accusations began to fly on all sides.

Beginning with the PRI. The PRI is now worried about their credibility and that they will be left holding the desafuero bag:

Los cambios de la estrategia gubernamental sobre Andrés Manuel López Obrador propiciaron ayer un ambiente de preocupación y encono contra Vicente Fox y el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) entre las filas del priísmo duro que impulsó la inhabilitación del gobernante capitalino. Incluso, entre ese ambiente comenzaron a surgir voces para convocar de manera urgente y sin agenda a una reunión con Roberto Madrazo y su seguidor, Emilio Chuayffet, con objeto de explicar la naturaleza del arreglo político con Fox y el blanquiazul, porque tal hecho coloca al Revolucionario Institucional en una profunda crisis de credibilidad.

PRIista Chuayfett, and congressional leader of the PRI desafuero vote, now says:
"La política y la legalidad no están excluidas, de suerte que podemos encontrar soluciones a problemas políticos, sin que esto represente truncar la legalidad".

This from the party that claimed before that the law was the law, that no one was above the law, and that the desafuero was a legal not political question. No wonder they are worried about credibility.

Even better is the quote from a PRIista who voted against the deafuero in early April:

"Cuando yo dije que la historia me iba a dar la razón, pensé que sería dentro de 20 años, pero me la dio en 20 días".

Trans: When I said that historia was going to prove me right, I thought it would be in 20 years, but it was within 20 days.

President of the PRI and presidential hopeful, Roberto Madrazo, criticized Fox's recent announcements, saying the President's announcement was strange and that:

"...después de que hace cuando menos 12 meses se vive una confrontación estéril entre el Presidente y el jefe de Gobierno, que ha sumido al país en una verdadera confusión que comienza a amenazar la gobernabilidad democrática."

So now it's Fox who is threatening governability in Mexico. Interesting twist, if you believe the PRIistas.

And the PAN has not been unaffected either.

Yesterday, in Congress, several PANistas openly criticized Fox and Secretary of State Creel. One of the PANistas who actively supported the desafuero in the Chamber of Deputies pleaded with his colleagues to remain loyal to the party:
Desde la noche del miércoles y la mañana de este jueves, antes de la sesión ordinaria, el ánimo en la bancada del PAN era de desconcierto y enojo, a tal grado que en la plenaria matutina el mismo Juan de Dios Castro que hace 22 días, vociferante, defendió desde tribuna el juicio de procedencia y argumentó que podía adivinar las ''intenciones criminales'' del jefe de Gobierno, ayer pidió a sus compañeros ''lealtad'' al partido y respaldar la decisión del presidente Fox.

Some PANistas are even calling for Creel's resignation. Included in this group is PANista Juan Molinar Horcasitas, who also happens to be a political scientist with a Ph.D. from UCSD.

posted by Michelle @ 3:58 PM,


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