La Profesora Abstraída

Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

More fingerpointing and accusations following desafuero fallout

Shortly before his meeting with Lopez Obrador, Fox received a briefing from the Attorney General's office on the case against AMLO.

In the meantime, the head of the Supreme Court says that the AMLO case will remain open as long as some of the interested parties have legal options. According to the article, since a reform in 1995 has allowed the Supreme Court to resolve disputes between the branches of government, the Court has resolved 761 disputes and 111 remain to be resolved.

In other news, some leaders of the PRI continue to criticize Fox's decision in the desafuero case. A PRI senator even claims that Madrazo forced PRI Deputies to go along with the desafuero due to a behind-the-scenes political arrangement with former president Salinas. Bartlett has also been criticizing Madrazo for pressuring the Deputies. Some are saying that it was an abuse of Madrazo's power as President of the PRI, and that he has a conflict of interest since he wants to be the party's candidate.

Some think that Creel will be the PAN candidate and that Madrazo will be the PRI candidate. I wouldn't put my money on Madrazo, yet. I think there are probably enough of his party unhappy with him to block his candidacy, but a small number of power brokers within the party may be able to impose him yet.

posted by Michelle @ 12:59 PM,


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