La Profesora Abstraída
Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.Sunday, October 30, 2005
My favorite new Atlanta area Mexican restaurantTonight I enjoyed dinner with a handful of Georgia Tech students and one of my favorite colleagues and his family. He is the faculty advisor for International House (which I cannot find a link for on the GATech Housing page).
Since I was asked to bring a Latin American sweet for dessert, I opted for Abuelita hot chocolate and some conchas. Conchas are not my favorite Mexican pastry, but they are certainly traditional.

Since I wanted authentic pastries, I asked the staff at the local burrito joint where to find a Mexican bakery. Since I live in-town, I don't get out to the areas where most of the immigrants live. They gave the the name of a major intersection, and Brian and I took a field trip in search of conchas and a good lunch on Saturday.
We found the conchas at a Mexican supermarket, and they turned out to be some of the better ones I've had, even compared to those I've had in Mexico.
Then, we stopped at my new favorite Atlanta-area Mexican restaurant, pictured below.

It's near the intersection of Windy Hill Road and Atlanta Road in Smyrna, GA. The chicken was excellent, and they had a live duo (acordian and guitar) singing for a little girl's birthday party. After we ate, the waitress admitted that she hadn't wanted to wait on us because she didn't think we spoke Spanish. And before we finished eating, another gringo couple stopped by our table to ask what we were having and then quickly told their waitress they wanted what we had (by pointing at our table). Anyway, the food was great.
posted by Michelle @ 9:53 PM,
- At 11/02/2005 2:23 PM, Michelle said...
Thanks for the tip. That looks really really good.

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Name: Michelle DionLocation: Toronto, ON
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Previous Posts
- Border Film Project
- Portal for information about Mexico
- Apology
- Hear, hear
- Strike deadline looms
- As if the emails weren't enough....
- Blogging and tenure
- Not who I'd have picked
- The Mexican Congress
- IMSS standoff may be postponed

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