La Profesora Abstraída

Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Conditional acceptance

This paper about the role of international financial insitutions (like the ILO and the World Bank) on social security policy in Mexico has been conditionally accepted for publication in Global Social Policy. The revisions are not extensive and should make the paper a much stronger article.

Now, this means that I've fallen below Munger's 3 under review rule. Drats. Must. do revisions. quickly. and get something. else. out the door. soon.

When I send out my book ms, will that count as 3 at once?


posted by Michelle @ 4:41 PM, 2 comments

Thursday, December 07, 2006

To my grad students: Thank you

Dear grad students,

Thank you very much for recognizing my contributions to your academic and professional development. I am very proud to be the first faculty member to receive the INTAGO "Friend of Graduate Students" award for my teaching and mentoring activities.

I know that my classes can be demanding and difficult and that I have high expectations for you and your work. I know that statisitcs, and even IPE, has not always been easy.

I'm glad you feel I've made a positive contribution to your graduate experience. I enjoy teaching you all and wish you all the best in your studies and beyond.

My very best,

posted by Michelle @ 11:23 AM, 5 comments

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Highest praise

Our advisor for undergrad international affairs students stopped in to tell me that the other day, she asked a young woman what she wanted to do when she grew up. That young woman said she wanted to be just like me! She wanted to travel, do research, and be a professor. I haven't taught more than a handful of undergrads in several years (I was in Mexico and since have taught only MS classes), but it was nice to hear that I have made an impression on at least one young woman. It's a good reason to promote diversity in University classrooms, because you'll note that she didn't just want to be a professor, she wanted to be like one of the professors she could identify with and imagine herself becoming.

posted by Michelle @ 11:32 AM, 1 comments

Friday, December 01, 2006

Interesting discussion regarding "pedigree" and the poli sci job market

You have to wade through many, many inane comments before the interesting ones that begin on November 30, 2006.

Update: Thanks to Chris, you can go straight to the pedigree discussion.

posted by Michelle @ 2:41 PM, 2 comments

Mexico City slideshow

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Name: Michelle Dion
Location: Toronto, ON
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