La Profesora Abstraída
Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monterrey traffic lawsI'm reading the traffic regs for Monterrey and have found that:
Los conductores de vehículos tienen prohibido lo siguiente:.... XIV. Circular zigzagueando....
Rough translation: Vehicle drivers are prohibited from the following....driving 'zigzagging.'
Mexican laws are so nice and precise.
Updated to add this additional prohibition:
....XXVII. Manifestar una conducta evidente de hostigamiento hacia otros conductores haciendo mal uso del vehículo que conduce...
Or, showing evidently harrassing conduct toward other drivers making poor use of the vehicle they drive.
Also updated: The fines are adjusted according to 'economic capacity, social condition, education,' etc.:
ARTÍCULO 139. Al aplicarse la multa, deberá tomarse en consideración, la naturaleza de la infracción cometida, las causas que la produjeron, la capacidad económica, la condición social, educación y antecedentes del infractor. Si el infractor fuese jornalero u obrero, jubilado o pensionado, la multa no deberá exceder del importe del salario de un día. Tratándose de trabajador no asalariado, jubilado o pensionado la multa no excederá de su jornal o salario de un día.
posted by Michelle @ 4:28 PM,

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Name: Michelle DionLocation: Toronto, ON
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Previous Posts
- Study of bilingual bloggers
- Current wherabouts
- And again, I'm humming
- The problem with having 4 papers under review?
- Apparently, I hum a little tune...
- Real life Scrubs
- More fodder from today's reading
- Lame professor sentiment of the day
- How to know if you're making research progress
- More pension shenanigans

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