La Profesora Abstraída
Weblog of Michelle Dion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. My blog has moved to Visit my other website.Saturday, June 21, 2008
Reformed Pride of the East SideThe plans to reopen Johnston H.S. as a new school have been approved.
posted by Michelle @ 3:02 PM, 0 comments

Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy coincidencesToday I am turning in the last pieces of my tenure file to be sent to external reviewers. (I am burning *8* CD copies of my file as I write this.)
And, I received a UPS box filled with cookies and a thank you note from one of my best and brightest undergrads from the last two years.
I know who is going to go home and have celebratory homemade cookies and milk!
Update: The cookies are personalized!!!! She's going to UGA for law school--hence the black and red, but I'm not sure about the shape. Bulldog maybe?
Update2: It's the head of a gavel. The handle broke off.

posted by Michelle @ 2:51 PM, 1 comments

Saturday, June 07, 2008
Holding me backI'm scheduled to get a new GT laptop this fall. Given the spyware that OIT installs on machines that log into the domain, I started thinking about getting one of these or these (back when there was a Linux option--WHERE DID IT GO!?!?!?!?!). Since I get lost without a right click and am baffled every time I'm forced to interact with a Mac, I was leaning toward the Linux option (which has now apparently disappeared!).
The only thing keeping me from Linux was the lack of a PDF editor. Perhaps by the time there's another small PC option that comes with all the drivers preloaded for Linux, there will also be a PDF editor.
posted by Michelle @ 12:20 AM, 0 comments

Friday, June 06, 2008
Really unfortunate Post titleReally?
posted by Michelle @ 1:19 PM, 0 comments

Thursday, June 05, 2008
APSA08 program onlineThough you can't find a link to it on the APSA page, you can find the searchable program here.
posted by Michelle @ 6:22 PM, 0 comments

Johnston H.S. RIP
It's official. My alma mater is officially the worst school in Texas and will be the first to be closed for noncompliance with required improvements in
posted by Michelle @ 1:00 PM, 0 comments

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La Profesora AbstraídaAbout me:
Name: Michelle DionLocation: Toronto, ON
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Previous Posts
- It has been 540 days since my last blog post
- Presidential endorsements
- Why do we care about Joe the Plumber's opinion
- Obama first to record entire campaign ad in Spanish
- Opie, Sherriff Taylor, and the Fonz for Obama
- Only in the U.S.
- Tell it, Ann
- Professors and time
- Thank you, Brian!

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